Passive-Aggressive People Are Likely to Say These 18 Offensive Things to You

By Rick Ellsworth

Passive-aggressive people have a unique way of insulting others without being outright rude. Their words might sound polite on the surface, but there’s always an underlying jab. Instead of openly expressing their feelings, they use sarcasm, backhanded compliments, and subtle digs to get their point across.

If you’ve ever walked away from a conversation feeling insulted but couldn’t quite pinpoint why, chances are you encountered one of these phrases.

“I Guess I’ll Just Do It Myself.”

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This phrase is a classic guilt trip. Instead of directly asking for help or expressing frustration, passive-aggressive people use this to make others feel bad for not offering assistance. It implies that you should have already stepped in, even if you didn’t know help was needed. The person saying it gets to play the victim while making you feel like you’ve failed them in some way.

“No Offense, But…”

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Whenever someone starts a sentence with this, you can almost guarantee that whatever follows will be offensive. It’s a sneaky way to insult someone while pretending to be polite. The phrase gives the speaker a free pass to say something rude while avoiding responsibility for it. If someone really meant no offense, they wouldn’t feel the need to say this in the first place.

“Wow, You’re So Lucky.”

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Don’t be fooled into thinking this might be a compliment. It’s often used to downplay someone’s hard work or success. Instead of acknowledging your effort or talent, the phrase suggests that luck was the only factor. It’s a passive-aggressive way of undermining someone’s achievements while making it seem like praise.

A better way to compliment someone would be to recognize their dedication and skills.

“I Thought You Knew.”

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This is often said to make someone feel stupid or out of the loop. It suggests that whatever information is being discussed was so obvious that it’s shocking they didn’t already know. It’s a subtle way of making someone feel inadequate without directly calling them dumb.

Instead of being helpful, the person using this phrase is just trying to make themselves look superior.

“Must Be Nice.”

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At first, this phrase might seem harmless, but it’s usually dripping with jealousy and resentment. It’s rarely said with genuine happiness for the other person. Instead, it implies that they don’t deserve what they have or didn’t earn it. It’s a way of making someone feel guilty for their success, happiness, or even just their circumstances.

“I’m Just Saying.”

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Some people use this phrase to soften the blow of something rude or unnecessary. It’s a way of pretending they aren’t being mean while still getting their hurtful jab in. By adding this at the end of a sentence, the speaker tries to make their words seem less harsh. In reality, it’s just a way of avoiding responsibility for their comments.

“You’re So Sensitive.”

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Here’s a classic phrase often used to dismiss someone’s feelings and shift blame. Instead of taking responsibility for saying something hurtful, the passive-aggressive person makes it seem like the other person is the problem. It’s a way of invalidating emotions and making someone feel like they’re overreacting.

A more thoughtful response would be to acknowledge how the other person feels, instead of belittling them.

“I Was Only Joking.”

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Passive-aggressive people love to disguise insults as jokes. When called out, they quickly backtrack with this phrase to avoid accountability. The reality is, if a joke hurts someone’s feelings, it wasn’t really a joke; it was an insult in disguise. Instead of brushing it off, a more respectful approach would be to acknowledge that the comment was out of line and apologize.


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This one-word dismissal is a go-to for passive-aggressive individuals. It’s a way of shutting down a conversation without actually engaging in it. Instead of addressing an issue or having a meaningful discussion, they say this to act indifferent and avoid responsibility.

It sends the message that they don’t care about the other person’s thoughts or feelings, which only escalates tension.

“Do What You Want.”

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Although this phrase sounds like someone is giving you the freedom to make your own choice, it often comes with a heavy dose of resentment. It usually means they don’t agree with your decision but don’t want to outright say it.

Honest communication would be far more productive than this tactic.

“I Guess That’s One Way To Do It.”

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They are implying that whatever you did wasn’t the right way, even if it technically worked. It’s a subtle way of suggesting that there’s a better or smarter method without actually saying it outright. Instead of being constructive or offering help, the person saying this just wants to make you feel like you made a mistake. A more supportive response would be offering guidance instead of judgment.

“I Don’t Mean To Be Rude, But…”

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Just like “No offense, but…” this phrase is a red flag that something rude is coming. It’s an attempt to soften the impact of an insult, but it doesn’t actually change the meaning of what’s being said. If someone has to preface a statement like this, they already know what they’re about to say isn’t kind.

A better approach would be to rephrase the comment, or better still  just not say it at all.

“I Didn’t Mean It Like That.”

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The speaker uses this as a way to escape consequences after saying something hurtful. Instead of taking responsibility for their words, they shift the blame onto the listener, making it seem like they misinterpreted things. It’s a way of avoiding an apology while still keeping the original insult in place.

“Calm Down.”

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Here’s an expression that almost always has the opposite effect to what it suggests. Instead of helping the situation, it invalidates the other person’s emotions and makes them feel dismissed. It’s a passive-aggressive way of minimizing someone’s feelings.

It would be better to acknowledge their emotions and have an open conversation rather than shutting them down.

“I’d Never Say That About You.”

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This phrase is a sneaky way of implying that others are talking badly about you without taking any responsibility themselves for spreading gossip. It’s intended to plant seeds of doubt and insecurity while allowing the speaker to pretend they’re just being helpful. If someone truly wants to be supportive, they should shut down negative talk instead of hinting at it.

“I Hope You’re Happy Now.”

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Now here’s five words that are laced with sarcasm and resentment. It’s used to make someone feel guilty for making a decision or standing up for themselves. Instead of having a mature conversation about their feelings, passive-aggressive people use this to create guilt. Honest communication is always better than trying to manipulate emotions.

“If That’s What You Want.”

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It sounds like it’s giving someone permission, but this phrase is actually full of judgment. It implies disapproval without directly saying it. Instead of expressing their true thoughts, passive-aggressive people use this phrase to make others second-guess their decisions.

A more constructive approach would be to openly discuss concerns rather than resort to indirect criticism.

“Oh, I Didn’t Realize That Was a Big Deal.”

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You can bet your life they did realize! This is how they downplay someone’s concerns while making them feel like they’re overreacting. It subtly dismisses their feelings without outright saying they’re wrong, implying that the issue they’re bringing up is insignificant and not worth discussing. It turns the conversation into a question of whether their feelings are valid.

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