How to Spot a Fascist: 18 Telltale Traits

By Brad Lawson

As much as we may wish that fascism had completely died out decades ago, it sadly still lives on in certain communities. While fascists are usually pretty good at keeping their beliefs on the down low when necessary, there are certain things that can give them away. This list outlines 18 telltale traits that can help you spot a fascist.

Powerful Nationalism

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According to the Holocaust Encyclopedia, one defining trait of fascists is their particularly strong stance on nationalism. They’ll often prioritize a sense of national pride over individual identity, sometimes using many national symbols and slogans to convey this message.

Disdain for Human Rights

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Another sinister side of fascism is its dismissal of the importance of human rights. Fascists will sometimes justify forms of abuse and oppression if they can be used as tools to further their preferred state interests, goals, and values. In the wrong hands, this can lead to serious human rights violations.

Identification of Enemies/Scapegoats

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Rather than exploring the nuances of different societal issues, fascists prefer to blame a particular group for all of their nation’s issues, even if they have nothing to do with them in reality. They may also make use of propaganda to make these groups seem even more dangerous and problematic.

Supremacy of the Military

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Many fascists see the military as an idyllic symbol of national pride and strength. For this reason, they may advocate for more of their nation’s resources and money to go toward military spending. They also often glorify the military for defending their country from perceived threats from other countries.

Rampant Sexism

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As you may imagine, fascists aren’t the most progressive when it comes to gender equality and expression. In Fascism: A Very Short Introduction, it is asserted that fascists tend to believe that women should primarily serve as mothers and domestic homemakers. People with fascist beliefs may also seek to enact laws that align with these discriminatory ideas.

Controlled Mass Media

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Fascists often like to complain about having no freedom of speech to platform their controversial perspectives. However, they’ll often simultaneously advocate for a state-controlled media that spreads propaganda aligned with their values. They may also believe in censoring and oppressing opposing viewpoints to gain more power and control.

Obsession with National Security

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A lot of fascists like to preach about the importance of “national security.” While this may initially sound like a valid concern, they will often exaggerate the danger of external threats and use this as a justification for harmful and oppressive measures.

Religion and Government Intertwined

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There’s obviously nothing wrong with being religious, but fascists will often use their religious beliefs to justify strict, unfair, and discriminatory policies and practices. They may also use religious institutions to propagate propaganda and garner more support for these policies.

Protecting Corporate Power

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Fascists will typically be in favor of corporations having a significant amount of power. For example, they may advocate for business and industrial elites to have a say in government decisions. They may also justify acts of corruption and cronyism if they align with their beliefs.

Labor Power Suppressed

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On the other hand, when it comes to labor power, fascists aren’t so enthusiastic. They’re usually against independent labor unions and strikes, preferring to keep organized opposition at bay. They may also be dismissive of worker rights, freedoms, and benefits.

Disdain for Intellectuals and the Arts

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While fascists may be supportive of intellectuals and artists who agree with their worldview, those who don’t are often persecuted or censored given the opportunity. Furthermore, they’re likely to suppress academic freedom and advocate that education be heavily controlled by the state.

Belief in Conspiracy Theories

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According to Peter Chambers of RMIT, fascists commonly use conspiracy theories to create widespread feelings of anxiety and alienation. When used successfully, these tactics can convince their followers that certain groups must be targeted, restricted, or oppressed in order to protect themselves and their nation.

Obsession with Crime and Punishment

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People with fascist beliefs will often be in favor of using harsh punishments to maintain power and control over their nation’s citizens, especially when it comes to groups they see as “other.” They may justify these unfair consequences using the argument that they help maintain order and protect national security.

Cronyism and Corruption

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As previously mentioned, fascists are happy to accept cronyism and corruption as long as it ultimately benefits their aims. When in positions of power, fascists are likely to elect or promote people who share their fascist beliefs rather than those who may be better suited for the role but have an opposing viewpoint.

Fraudulent Elections

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When fascists gain control of a nation, they’ll do whatever they can to maintain their power. Sometimes, this means advocating for getting rid of elections altogether or manipulating the democratic process to ensure they achieve the outcome they desire.

Selective Populism

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Fascists will sometimes attempt to garner followers by claiming to be the “voice of the people.” But if you look at their actions, they’ll only represent the values and beliefs of their preferred group while suppressing the perspectives of others. If you notice that someone claims to be in support of democracy while their actions suggest the opposite, they may be a fascist.

Obsession with Community Decline

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Another telltale sign of a fascist is their strange obsession with national and community decline. They like to create a sense of fear and disharmony around the idea that certain groups and liberal policies are causing their nation to degrade and lose its power.

Use of Patriotic Slogans and Symbols

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There are several patriotic symbols, mottos, and slogans that fascists commonly use to promote their beliefs, gain followers, and instill fear in people. For example, as noted by CNN, protesters in Charlottesville chanted the Nazi “blood and soil” slogan in support of white nationalism.

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