18 Things That Stop Mattering Once You Hit 60

By Brad Lawson

When you reach 60, you have a different perspective on life compared to when you were younger. Things you used to worry and stress about no longer seem that important. Here are 18 things you won’t worry about anymore after 60.

Letting Go of Unfulfilling Relationships

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

CNN reports, “The recent studies suggest that people stay in unsatisfying relationships because they’re concerned about hurting their partner’s feelings.” Many view life as precious when they reach their 60s, and sticking in unfulfilling relationships isn’t beneficial. Many older people search for relationships that bring them joy and happiness instead.

Obsessing Over Physical Perfection

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Younger people often feel the pressure of getting to physical perfection. People can dedicate so much time and effort to trying to achieve a physical look they think they’ll be happy with. Older people tend to realize perfection is unattainable and instead find satisfaction in accepting their appearance for what it is.

Workplace Stress

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When you reach 60, you often realize that stressing over your career and work in the past years didn’t get you anywhere. This helps a lot of older people relax more, which allows them to enjoy their work. They start to focus more time and effort on retirement plans and exploring new interests.

Financial Insecurity

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People in their 60s tend to worry less about their finances. Even if their finances aren’t as strong as they would like, they realize there are more important things in life than money. They tend to live a more simplistic lifestyle that costs less and budget for emergencies, so these situations are less stressful.

Being Technologically Behind

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Many younger people are constantly learning about the latest technology as they fear being left behind. Older people don’t feel this pressure; instead, they focus on learning at their own pace. They’re also only interested in learning about technology that will actually benefit their daily lives.

Not Having Enough Time

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People in their 60s have stopped worrying about not having enough time and do this by focusing on themselves. It sees them spend time on hobbies and activities that bring genuine happiness. For example, Medical News reports, “Having a hobby is linked to fewer depressive symptoms and higher levels of happiness, self-reported health and life satisfaction among people aged 65 and over.”

Fitting Into Social Norms

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

A lot of us can feel pressure to fit in with societal norms. Those who are 60 and older don’t feel this pressure. Thanks to their life experience, they realize it’s not important, and what’s more important is being true to who you are and embracing your identity.

Making Big Life Changes

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People in their 60s no longer see the need to make big life changes. They take comfort in their stable lives and prefer to reflect on and enjoy previous life changes that have gotten them to where they are today. They find satisfaction in the smaller things and being present in the moment.

Keeping Up with Fashion Trends

Photo Credit: Aleksei Isachenko/Shutterstock

Many people are constantly getting new clothes to keep up with the latest fashion trend, but this isn’t something people in their 60s do. They no longer feel the pressure or importance of staying fashionable, and they much prefer to wear clothes they enjoy and express who they are as individuals.

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Photo Credit: Song_about_summer/Shutterstock

Many younger generations live their whole lives based on the fear of missing out. This isn’t something older generations care too much about. They’re happy to choose important activities that have a deeper meaning and bring them personal satisfaction over ones that their friends enjoy.

Dieting Obsessively

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Older people tend to have the view that dieting obsessively can take away enjoyment in life. This is usually because they have life experience of this. They do value having a balanced diet to stay healthy but they have no concerns and don’t feel guilty about treating themselves to meals and snacks they like, as it brings enjoyment.

Achieving Career Milestones

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

By the time many people reach 60, achieving career milestones is no longer a goal. You’ve worked the majority of your life and will have achieved career milestones to look back on fondly. This is a time to focus on future hobbies and goals to achieve in retirement.

Social Media

Photo Credit: Kaspars Grinvalds/Shutterstock

Social media has taken over many younger generations’ lives. They live on social media and many see it as a popularity contest. Older people don’t see the importance of social media and will mainly use it to engage in conversations rather than post selfies.

Parental Responsibilities

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

By the time most people are 60, they no longer have to worry about raising their children, as they’ve already become adults. Instead, you get the enjoyment of watching them grow in life, do the things they enjoy, and offer advice when it’s needed.

Constant Self-Improvement

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – puhhha/Shutterstock

Throughout life, many of us are constantly wanting to improve. We can end up putting too much pressure on ourselves, which can be detrimental. Those in their 60s no longer value the importance of self-improvement, as they’ve already achieved this in their younger years.

Meeting Everyone’s Expectations

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Some people are constantly trying to meet everyone’s expectations and be accepted by others. When you’re in your 60s, you realize it’s impossible to meet everyone’s expectations, which isn’t healthy. Prioritizing personal happiness and well-being is more important and rewarding than gaining other people’s approval.

Solo Traveling

Photo Credit: Svitlana Hulko/Shutterstock

Solo Traveler reports, “Solo travel offers the amazing opportunity to pursue your own interests at your own pace without compromise.” Many don’t have the confidence to travel to the places they’ve always wanted to visit on their own. The older generation doesn’t have this fear and is happy to go traveling or on vacation by themselves.

The Need for Constant Activity

Photo Credit: DimaBerlin/Shutterstock

When you reach your 60s, you no longer feel the need to be constantly active. You take enjoyment out of days where you do nothing. You appreciate the moments of quiet living and doing very little and your body enjoys periods of relaxing and recovering.

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