20 Things Old People Love That the Rest of Us Just Don’t Care About

By Rick Ellsworth

Older people can often be set in their ways. This shows them still enjoying more traditional things rather than changing with the current times. Here are 20 things old people love that the rest of us just don’t care about.

Visiting Libraries

Photo Credit: Diego Cervo/Shutterstock

According to The Guardian, libraries are like churches and local railways in the sense that people like having them around, but they’re still used so little. People now have wider accessibility to the books they want and can usually purchase them online and get them the next day. Older people, however, still prefer the traditional method of visiting the library.

Power Walking in Malls

Photo Credit: Dusan Petkovic/Shutterstock

If you get yourself to a mall early enough in the morning, you might see older people power walking. This is a great way for them to exercise and stay mobile. They pick malls because the flat surface makes it safe for them and they don’t have to worry about the weather conditions.

Using Cash

Photo Credit: Pixel-Shot/Shutterstock

The majority of us have now gotten out of the habit of using cash, but for older people, it’s still the way they like to pay for things. Most of us will just scan our cards or even our phones for a quick and easy transaction. For older people, they find it easier to monitor their spending with cash.

Watching Game Shows

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

You may have wondered how game shows are still popular today. Well, the answer is because the older generations love them. They’re not just entertainment but also provide mental stimulation for older people. They also have a nostalgic feel to them, as they have been watching them for several years.

Wearing Gigantic Sunglasses

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The older the person, usually, the larger the sunglasses. Older people try to cover as much surface area around the eyes as possible with their sunglasses. It’s not only a fashion statement for the older generation, but it also provides better protection against UV rays.

Collecting Fine China and Silverware

Photo Credit: N-Rod/Shutterstock

AP News reports, “Acquiring a set of china isn’t the rite of passage it was decades ago. Some people still collect it, but nowadays it might not even end up on a couple’s wedding registry.” Older generations, however, love to collect things, and they’re always trying to get their hands on china and silverware.

Listening to the Radio

Photo Credit: janta.rus/Shutterstock

Many younger people have no interest in listening to the radio. There are usually too many commercials and little music being played. For older people, it’s been something they have done all their lives so it’s a habit they continue. They get comfort from listening to familiar voices and music.

Bingo Nights

Photo Credit: Pack-Shot/Shutterstock

It’s rare that you go to a bingo hall and spot young people. They’re filled with the older generations, and it’s a hobby they absolutely love. It’s a great opportunity for them to socialize within their community. It also helps with mental stimulation, and there’s an opportunity to win some money.

Dressing Up for Air Travel

Photo Credit: Inside Creative House/Shutterstock

Flying was rare for older people growing up, as it was expensive and flights weren’t as frequent as they are today. This is why you’ll see older people dressing smart just to get on a plane. It’s a significant event for them and they enjoy making an effort in their appearance for it.

Early Bird Dining

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

An early dinner is something that’s always been associated with older people because they have more time on their hands. Eating earlier also allows them to avoid large crowds. They prefer to eat in quieter environments, as it’s usually more relaxed and they can enjoy their meal in peace.

Telling Stories

Photo Credit: bbernard/Shutterstock

Older people tend to tell stories the rest of us don’t care about but we sit there and listen as we can see the joy it brings them. Older generations are very experienced in life and have lessons we could all learn from. Their sharing of stories brings them warmth through revisiting fond memories.

Meticulous Calendar Keeping

Photo Credit: Brian A Jackson/Shutterstock

Younger generations now use calendars on their phones because they can access them from anywhere. Older generations haven’t fully adapted to the digital world and still prefer their traditional calendars. They enjoy organizing their lives and keeping track of significant dates and birthday celebrations of families and friends.

Rotary Phones

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If you go to an older person’s house and see a rotary phone, don’t be shocked. Many younger generations would have never used a rotary phone but older people still love these simple but reliable phones because they’re sentimental about early communication methods.

Canning and Preserving Food

Photo Credit: Tatjana Baibakova/Shutterstock

Older generations are obsessed with canning and preserving their food. They grew up in harder times when it was important to make the most of anything and never waste food. These values are still with them today, which means they can enjoy leftover foods at a later date.

Writing in Cursive

Photo Credit: Scisetti Alfio/Shutterstock

Cursive is a form of writing many have never been taught. However, the older generations have and they still write this way today. They take pride in maintaining their handwriting abilities, as it’s seen as an artistic form of writing that they learned at a young age.

Recliner Chairs

Photo Credit: sirtravelalot/Shutterstock

According to Sure Safe, “Older people can feel pain from sitting for many reasons. They may find it easier or more comfortable to sit in a chair that reclines slightly and has an elevated footrest.” A recliner provides them with the ultimate comfort and personal space. They will often sit in them for hours, enjoying TV entertainment or reading a newspaper.

Talking About the Weather

Photo Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock

Older people absolutely love to talk about the weather. It’s a great topic they can talk to anyone about and use as a conversation starter. They’ll make sure to catch every weather forecast so they have the correct information and can warn friends and family members if bad weather is on the way.

Swing and Ballroom Dancing

Photo Credit: Karelian/Shutterstock

Dancing has changed just like fashion with the generations. Today, only the older generation has an interest in swing and ballroom dancing. It’s an opportunity for them to do light exercise in a social environment. It brings them joy through the music and the rhythm.

Daily Supermarket Visits

Photo Credit: 1000 Words/Shutterstock

Most of us have such busy lives that going to the supermarket, even once a week, is a chore. For older people, they tend to visit them daily. It’s a great opportunity for them to get out of the house and interact with other people.

Using Paper Maps

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

CBC states, “For older generations, maps are more than just pieces of paper — they’re symbols of where we’ve been and where we might go.” When older people travel to places they’re not aware of, they tend to use a paper map. They prefer their traditional method of planning out their route on their map.

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