18 Things Kids Do Today That Boomers Think Are Hilarious

By Finn Jansen

The youth of today always seem to be coming up with some crazy things that make the boomers of the world as confused as they are entertained. There are simply too many examples to list, but here are 18 examples of things kids do today that boomers think are hilarious!

Overly Elaborate Coffee Orders

Photo Credit: Dejan Dundjerski/Shutterstock

Only a decade ago, an espresso or an Americano with cream and sugar was all that was ordered from a coffee shop. A latte was pushing the boat out! So, the endless list of coffee customizations these days is nothing short of hilarious to boomers.

Obsession with Social Media Trends

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The rapid adoption of every new dance or challenge can be both puzzling and amusing to boomers. Social media apps like TikTok have paved the way for all kinds of crazy activities and routines, yet boomers generally aren’t interested in taking part.

Virtual Hangouts

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Business Insider believes that virtual hangouts actually do more harm than good, and it’s pretty clear that boomers agree with that. In the short term, at least, it is pretty amusing to see all these kids hanging out in the virtual domain instead of in real life. Go out and touch grass!

Extreme Multitasking

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

It’s a busy world out there these days, and many kids are, therefore, taking on a lot of tasks at once. It might seem comical to boomers, but the skill with which kids use devices to streamline their workflow can actually be pretty impressive.

The Return of Vinyl

Photo Credit: New Africa/Shutterstock

Kids buying vinyl records is seen as both ironic and amusing since boomers grew up with them as the only option. The kids of the world convinced the boomers to go digital, but now the trend has come full circle as kids lean into the wax nostalgia.

Using Slang That Sounds Like Code

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Terms like “lit,” “bet,” and “fam” can sound almost like a secret language to boomers. They don’t even try to understand what it all means because, let’s face it, it’s hardly going to be in their vocabulary any time soon, so they just don’t need to know.

Gaming as a Serious Hobby

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The seriousness with which kids play video games these days is both impressive and humorous. Boomers often chuckle at the idea of video games being considered a sport, but realistically, there’s something to be said about the players’ technique and reaction times.

Meme Culture

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According to the New York Times, the word ‘meme’ was technically introduced in 1976, so it was invented in the boomer generation. However, the internet has taken it to whole new levels that boomers find funny in a totally different way from kids. Like, what even are memes?!

Constantly Taking Selfies

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Why are kids these days so obsessed with taking photos of themselves? The lengths to which kids will go for the perfect selfie are often laugh-worthy, but it can also be dangerous, so boomers are just as concerned as they are amused.

Being ‘Plant Parents’

Photo Credit: Krichevtseva/Shutterstock

Young people referring to themselves as “plant parents” is certainly funny to boomers. Sure, they love a houseplant just as much as any kid, but the personalization and intensive care of the plants might feel like a step too far.

Thrift Shopping as a Trend

Photo Credit: NDAB Creativity/Shutterstock

Once considered a budget necessity, thrift shopping is now a cool activity for kids, and that’s pretty amusing in the boomer world. The excitement of shopping vintage is very different from how boomers remember their days in thrift stores. At least it’s good for the planet!

Cancel Culture

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The quickness to “cancel” anything or anyone that is problematic can seem extreme. However, boomers try to see the lighter side of things and appreciate it for its humor even if they don’t agree with it in principle. Back in their day, boomers just avoided things they didn’t like.

Health and Safety Gone Crazy

Photo Credit: Dean Drobot/Shutterstock

Okay, so kids might not be obsessed with health and safety, but young professionals certainly seem to be hammering it home in the workplace. When we need a certification to climb a ladder, we know the world’s truly gone mad!

Obsession With Pets

Photo Credit: hedgehog94/Shutterstock

Macquarie University discusses how the kids of today are totally obsessed with their pets, and the boomers out there can see it bright as day! It’s both endearing and hilarious to them to see kids setting up Instagram accounts for their pets and petting them to high heaven.

Unboxing Videos

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

The popularity of watching people open boxes can be baffling just as much as it is funny to boomers. The humor around the excitement and anticipation about something that is, objectively, pretty mundane will never be lost on them, especially when it’s just a pair of sneakers.

Obsessively “Clean” Eating

Photo Credit: NDAB Creativity/Shutterstock

Boomers think that clean eating has been taken too far, so much so, in fact, that it’s pretty laughable. Kids these days seem to have frightened themselves into a frenzy and are avoiding food that’s perfectly healthy. Back in the boomers’ day, clean eating just meant washing vegetables.

Speaking to Voice-Activated Devices

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

A study by Edison Research shows that as many as 62% of Americans use voice-activated devices these days, and we’d be willing to bet that not many of that percentage are boomers. The irony of yelling at a device meant to simplify life certainly makes boomers laugh.

Using Crazy Filters

Photo Credit: Prostock-studio/Shutterstock

Finally, comedic photo filters and effects can be just as much fun for boomers as they can be for kids. However, the way that kids take this to the next level is a little bizarre to the boomers in the world, and that’s funny in a whole new way! Anyway, it’s all just a bit of fun!

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