17 Things You’ll Still Want To Do After 60 – But Might Struggle to Do

By Rick Ellsworth

Growing older causes a variety of changes to our bodies and minds; many of the things we used to do become too difficult, such as certain sports and more demanding activities. Sadly, it’s unavoidable, but here are 18 things you still want to do after 60 but probably can’t.

Travel the World

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As you get older, you may experience limited mobility and health issues that can restrict travel. 

High costs and insurance premiums make travel expensive, and travelers may be more susceptible to travel fatigue and difficulty adapting to new environments. It’s sad but true. 

Hiking and Trekking

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According to Harvard Health, many physical abilities, such as strength, swiftness, and stamina, decline with normal aging. This means there is a higher risk of falls and injuries on uneven terrain and longer recovery from strenuous activities – which could make hiking and trekking risky activities past 60.

Running Marathons

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Running a marathon is difficult for younger people, so being over 60 can make things very challenging. Decreased cardiovascular capacity impacts performance, and older people may need a longer recovery time after intensive physical exertion. We encourage you to give it a try, but it’s going to be seriously tough.

Extreme Sports

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Extreme sports can be risky for older people, as they generally have slower reflexes, which can cause a higher risk of severe injury. The Telegraph even claims that extreme sports have caused a sharp rise in the number of pensioners being injured or even killed, so it’s just not worth it.

Starting a New Career

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Many older people experience age discrimination in hiring practices, which significantly impacts their ability to start a new career. Adapting to new technology and work environments can also be challenging, as can maintaining energy levels and work-life balance. Once again, don’t let this ageism stop you from trying!

Learning a New Language

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Cognitive decline with aging can slow the process of learning, making learning a new language difficult for people over 60. They also have less time and energy for intensive study and find it harder to achieve fluency compared to younger learners.

Moving to a New City

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Many older people may find it challenging to leave behind established social groups and support systems, putting them off from moving to a new city. Adjusting to a new environment and community is also significantly harder after 60 than it is for young people, so it’s not as simple as it might sound.

Long-Distance Cycling

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Joint and muscle pain can limit the endurance required for long-distance cycling. Furthermore, cyclists will inevitably have the occasional fall, and the World Health Organization points out that older people have the highest risk of death after falls. Overall, this makes the risk of long-distance cycling far too high for people over 60.

Taking Care of Grandchildren Full-Time

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The physical stamina required to keep up with young children declines as you get older, making the occasional visit far more practical. Health issues can also impact caregiving abilities, with older people generally needing more rest, which conflicts further with full-time caregiving demands.

Performing at a High Level in Sports

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Decreased muscle mass and strength and slower reaction times mean a higher risk of injury and longer recovery periods for athletes over 60. This can negatively impact performance and mean that older people probably won’t perform at as high a level as they once did, but don’t let this put you off from training!

Dancing Professionally

Photo Credit: JOSE_ESCUDERO/Shutterstock

Older dancers may experience physical limitations due to joint and muscle issues, as well as reduced endurance, flexibility, and energy levels. This may lead to a higher likelihood of injuries and longer recovery times when dancing professionally, but we’d still encourage you to have the occasional boogie!

Playing Competitive Team Sports

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Team sports may be off the cards for some people over 60, just like high-performance sports. However, team sports can be particularly dangerous, as younger players will encourage you to push yourself, and it’s hard to say no! Ultimately, this results in an even higher risk of injury, especially if you’re a competitive person.

Joining the Military

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Age limits and physical fitness requirements mean that people over 60 can’t join the military. This is because of the intense training and physical demands, psychological stress, and adaptability issues involved with the career. Let’s be honest, though–do you really want to spend your retirement fighting!? 

Becoming a Fashion Model

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Unfortunately, The Guardian reminds us that age biases exist in the fashion industry, and older consumers are sidelined. Because physical appearance changes with age, many older people may find it difficult to secure a role as a fashion model. However, the industry is slowly becoming more inclusive, so you never know your luck!

Becoming a Professional Actor

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Much like with fashion, the film and TV industry has fewer roles available for older actors because of competition with younger actors and the physical demands of long working hours. However, always remember that almost every film and TV series features elderly characters, so it might not be too late!

Starting a High-Intensity Fitness Regimen

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

The risk of injury from intense workouts is much higher for people over 60 than it is for younger people. They experience slower recovery from muscle strain and fatigue and may need to modify their exercise routines to create more low-impact exercises. That’s precisely what you should do, though; definitely don’t give up exercise!

Adopting High-Tech Gadgets Quickly

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Last but not least, people over 60 might have to endure a steeper learning curve for new technologies. They tend to have a less intuitive grasp of modern tech than younger generations, with eyesight, physical limitations, and a lack of dexterity all impacting usage. However, it’s never too late to learn; just be patient, and you’ll get there!

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