19 Things That Won’t Last Once Boomers Are No Longer Here

By Brad Lawson

We can all agree that Baby Boomers have shaped the world in countless ways, leaving behind all sorts of fantastic traditions, habits, and cultural norms. However, as time moves forward, certain things they hold dear may fade away with them–that’s an inevitability, as is change.

To reminisce, here are some things that we’ll no doubt say goodbye to once the baby boomer generation is no longer around.

Handwritten Letters

Photo Credit: Ollyy/Shutterstock

Starting things off with an obvious one, handwritten letters are unlikely to outlive the boomer generation. It’s sad because we grew up in a time when handwritten letters were the gold standard for communication, with carefully penned notes carrying a personal touch that no text or email could replicate.

Regardless, younger generations just don’t have the same connection to this tradition, so without Boomers, the art of letter writing might quietly disappear.


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Back in the day, having a full set of encyclopedias on a bookshelf was a status symbol, a sign of a well-informed household. Baby Boomers often turned to these volumes for school projects or general knowledge before the internet took over, but today, with smartphones and search engines, encyclopedias gather dust in secondhand shops. We highly doubt they’ll still hold much value in the future unless they’re rare.

Landline Phones

Photo Credit: StockLite/Shutterstock

You’ve no doubt seen how the comforting ring of a landline phone has already started fading. Boomers are among the last to cling to this once-essential household item, but many younger people have never even had a landline.

Overall, landlines are practically already dead–at least here in America. Sure, some remote parts of the country will continue to use them for a while, but it won’t be long until they have reception on their smartphones.

Physical Maps

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Look back to the past, and you’ll remember how we Baby Boomers always kept a folded map in our glove compartment, ready for road trips. Over time, GPS apps have made physical maps nearly obsolete, though, even if we still appreciate their reliability. Let’s be honest, though–they’re not sticking around once we’re one, which is kind of sad.

Department Stores

Photo Credit: Sorbis/Shutterstock

Boomers grew up shopping at department stores, where you could find clothing, home goods, luxury items, and much more, all under one roof. Some still exist, but the rise of online shopping is slowly putting them out of business. So, when Boomers are gone, these once-bustling retail hubs may vanish entirely, leaving behind memories of mall outings and holiday window displays.

Home-Cooked Meals Every Night

Photo Credit: Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

A particularly sad thing that we’ll say goodbye to once Baby Boomers have gone is the tradition of sitting down to a home-cooked dinner every evening. Not so long ago, this was a universal family tradition, with fast food and takeout being rare treats, and even they were enjoyed at the dinner table!


Photo Credit: Icatnews/Shutterstock

Be honest–when was the last time you used a checkbook? That’s what we thought. Writing a check to pay for groceries or bills was once a routine part of life, but digital banking and payment apps have completely taken over. Trust us–we bet checkbooks will be gone within a decade.

Fine China

Photo Credit: Alison Henley/Shutterstock

Somewhat bizarrely, owning and using a set of fine China was once a marker of adulthood and sophistication, with boomers typically receiving these as wedding gifts and bringing them out for special occasions. Younger generations, however, aren’t so interested, tending to prefer casual dinnerware that’s dishwasher-safe. Therefore, it’s inevitable that, as Boomers fade away, the tradition of displaying and using fine China may go with them.

Cable TV

Photo Credit: Dragon Images/Shutterstock

We never would have imagined this 30 years ago, cable television is already on its way out. Despite revolutionizing home entertainment and offering dozens of channels compared to the few available before, cable TV is rapidly being replaced by streaming services. For better or worse, kids exclusively want such on-demand content over the fixed schedules of cable TV, so say your goodbyes, because cable is on its way out.

Traditional Retirement Parties

Photo Credit: ChungPhotoMan/Shutterstock

Even today, Boomers still love the idea of retirement as a major milestone, often celebrating the occasion with a party and maybe even a gold watch. In contrast, younger generations are redefining work-life balance, sometimes switching careers or working long past traditional retirement ages.

Print Newspapers

Photo Credit: qvist/Shutterstock

We’ll always cherish the memories of starting our mornings with a cup of coffee and the daily newspaper, but it’s undeniable that online news has taken over. Soon, newspapers will be gone for good, leaving digital-only formats in their place…that’s quite sad to imagine.

Handyman Skills

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One of the more frustrating things for Boomers to experience in the younger generation is how they simply do not have our handyman skills. We grew up learning how to fix things around the house, whether it was a leaky faucet or a squeaky door.

In contrast, it’s very rare to see a young person today who has inherited these skills, as they prefer to rely on professionals or pre-made solutions instead.

Collectible Hobbies

Photo Credit: 279photo Studio/Shutterstock

For some reason, Boomers often had a love for collecting, such as stamps, coins, or antique furniture. Meanwhile, younger generations don’t seem to share the same passion for these hobbies, preferring digital or minimalist lifestyles. Naturally, without Boomers to continue the collections, many of these traditions might dwindle pretty soon.

Bar Soap

Photo Credit: Soho A Studio/Shutterstock

For Boomers, bar soap was the standard for cleanliness. Liquid soaps and body washes have since taken over, especially among younger people. Once Boomers are no longer around, bar soap may become a rare sight, remembered more for its nostalgic value than everyday use.

Letters to the Editor

Photo Credit: zotyaba/Shutterstock

Boomers often engaged with their communities by writing letters to the editor of local newspapers, letters that sparked discussions and gave ordinary people a voice in public discourse. However, due to the rise of social media, this tradition has largely faded, so the art of crafting a well-thought-out letter to the editor may soon be lost entirely.

Quilting Circles

Photo Credit: Susan B Sheldon/Shutterstock

Down South, quilting circles were always a social and creative outlet for many Boomers, offering a chance to connect and create something beautiful. Obviously, quilting still exists, but the communal aspect of it is fading away, and once we’re gone, we highly doubt millennials and Gen Z will pick up the responsibility.

Vinyl Records

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It’s definitely true that vinyl has seen a resurgence among younger music lovers lately, but give us some credit–Boomers were the original champions of record collections. For them, LPs weren’t just music—they formed the backbones of our cultural experiences! Yes, vinyl might stick around in niche markets, but to be honest, the deep connection Boomers have to their records may not fully transfer to future generations.

Formal Thank-You Notes

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

It saddens us to write this, but formal thank-you notes are clearly on their way out as the Boomer generation ages. We always took the time to write formal thank-you notes for gifts, events, or acts of kindness–it felt like our duty of gratitude!

Despite teaching our kids to do the same, younger generations cheat when it comes to this, sending a quick text or email instead. Frankly, the thoughtfulness of a handwritten note is becoming rare because of this, which is unfortunate to see.

Respect for Elders

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Last on our list is, unfortunately, respect for elders–yes, really. Boomers grew up with a strong emphasis on respecting elders and valuing their wisdom, but it’s now becoming clear that this lesson didn’t translate to younger people. In fact, younger people are now quick to challenge traditional authority and prioritize individual perspectives, so this specific form of reverence for older generations may fade once the Boomer generation is no longer here.

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