18 Types of American Organizations That Support Gun Ownership

By Jake Harris

Gun ownership is one of the most controversial topics in the U.S. Opinions vary across the country, with people either heavily for or against firearms, but there are many organizations in favor. These 18 types of American organizations that support gun ownership include a few that may surprise you.

Shooting sports associations actively use guns

Photo Credit: Petr Toman/Shutterstock

Promoting recreational shooting activities, marksmanship training, and competitions, associations such as USA Shooting and the National Shooting Sports Foundation are, of course, going to support gun ownership. These foundations support both professional and amateur involvement in shooting sports.

Gun rights advocacy groups are obviously in favor of gun ownership

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Organizations specifically set up to support ownership focus on protecting and defending the Second Amendment right to bear arms. Examples of gun rights advocacy groups include the National Rifle Association, Gun Owners of America, and the National Association for Gun Rights.

Hunting groups will always support gun ownership

Photo Credit: Frank Fennema/Shutterstock

Hunting requires firearms, so there’s no doubt that hunting groups support gun ownership. Some wildlife conservation groups also support gun ownership rights as an integral part of hunting traditions and wildlife management. Organizations like the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation actively oppose legislation that prohibits gun ownership.

Gun ownership is actively supported by firearms industry associations

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These trade organizations represent manufacturers, retailers, and distributors within the firearms industry. The National Association of Sporting Goods Wholesalers is the biggest in the industry, bringing buyers and sellers together while hosting events such as the NASGW Expo, which is held annually.

State-level gun rights groups support gun ownership in individual states

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This type of organization focuses on state-specific legislation and advocates for protecting gun rights at a more local level. Each state has at least one state-focused gun rights group, and they’re all dedicated to protecting the Second Amendment. As gun control legislation varies from state to state, these organizations are crucial.

Civil liberties groups have always supported gun ownership

Photo Credit: Aaron of L.A. Photography/Shutterstock

Some civil liberties organizations advocate for gun rights as part of a broader defense of individual freedoms and limited government intervention. When the Second Amendment supports the right of Americans to bear arms, these organizations want to protect this freedom and allow it to be exercised.

Educational and training institutes teach gun safety

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There are many educational institutes across the U.S. that provide firearms safety courses and educational resources to promote responsible gun ownership. These training schools aim to protect the right of Americans to own guns by teaching them how to operate them safely and limiting the need for enhanced gun control laws.

Gun ownership is supported by legal defense funds

Photo Credit: Marian Weyo/Shutterstock

Providing legal assistance and support for individuals involved in legal battles related to gun rights and self-defense, legal defense funds actively fight for the right to bear arms. The NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund has supported over 1,000 cases involving the rights of firearms owners.

Veterans’ associations regularly support gun ownership

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Many veterans’ organizations advocate for gun rights as a way to honor the Second Amendment and uphold the freedoms for which they served. The Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion are just two veterans’ associations that actively support gun ownership, particularly focusing on protecting the rights of veterans to own firearms.

Community firearms groups locally support guns

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These grassroots organizations focus on building local networks of gun owners who can connect. Not only do they build vibrant communities of shooting enthusiasts, but they also promote community education, including teaching new members how to safely handle firearms and advocating for gun rights within the local area.

Women’s shooting organizations support female gun enthusiasts

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Catering specifically to female shooters, these are communities of like-minded women who enjoy shooting sports. Offering training and recreational activity, these organizations provide both fun and education. They also advocate for women in shooting sports, with examples including The Well Armed Woman and A Girl & A Gun Women’s Shooting League.

Youth shooting programs promote gun ownership from a young age

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There are many organizations dedicated to introducing young people to shooting sports and promoting safe gun ownership from a young age. The Boy Scouts of America Shooting Sports program teaches youngsters firearm safety and marksmanship skills, while National 4-H Shooting Sports teaches shooting sports to half a million children each year.

Some minority advocacy groups also advocate for gun rights

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Advocating for gun rights within minority communities, these groups actively address issues of equity and inclusion in gun ownership. Groups like Black Guns Matter and Pink Pistols support a diverse range of minorities, from ethnic groups to the sexual-minority community, by supporting the legal and safe use of firearms for self-defense.

Conservative political organizations are extremely pro-gun

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While most political parties support gun ownership to a certain extent, conservative organizations support it the most heavily. Many conservative political groups support gun rights as part of their broader agenda. Firearms and politics are heavily connected, with Pew Research finding that Republicans are twice as likely to own a gun as Democrats.

Select religious organizations are in favor of gun ownership

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Some religious groups and denominations advocate for gun rights but this varies across different faiths. Religious groups that are aligned with gun ownership find interpretations of scripture to support this affiliation with firearms. They typically involve principles of self-defense or beliefs in individual autonomy.

Self-defense training centers support gun ownership for personal safety

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Supporting gun ownership for reasons of personal safety, there are many self-defense training schools that provide firearms training, personal protection courses, and self-defense seminars. These classes are designed to empower individuals to defend themselves responsibly and support the right for Americans to use firearms in self-defense.

Guns are loved by historical and reenactment groups

Photo Credit: Roman Chazov/Shutterstock

The U.S. is full of historical groups dedicated to preserving and recreating scenes from military history. The use of firearms is a huge part of this recreational activity and showcases an appreciation for the role of firearms in shaping American culture and heritage.

Gun ownership is supported by many media outlets and publications

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Some media outlets, blogs, and publications specialize in firearms-related content. They provide news, reviews, analysis, and commentary on gun rights issues, firearms technology, and shooting sports. Through their content, they actively support gun ownership and bring diverse perspectives, voices, and expertise to the broader conversation surrounding firearms.

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