18 Tiny Things That Suddenly Annoy You as You Get Older

By Rick Ellsworth

As we grow older, our patience seems to become worse and worse, and what once seemed trivial or unnoticeable often becomes something that frustrates us. In this article, we’ll share 18 seemingly minor things that start to grate on our nerves as we age.

Losing Your Glasses

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

With age, you may find yourself misplacing your glasses more frequently, which turns into a seemingly constant search for them around the house. The more this happens, the more frustrated you get with not remembering where you last put them. It’s a never-ending cycle!

Potty-Mouthed TV

Photo Credit: Dikushin Dmitry/Shutterstock

Growing up, it was rare to hear swearing on TV, but it has become very common in modern times. This may not have grated on you so much when you were younger, but as you get older, it gets annoying, and you start to feel nostalgia for more censored TV times. 

Uncomfortable Shoes

Photo Credit: Carrastock/Shutterstock

According to Forbes, “Over eight in ten (81%) make comfort their top priority, ahead of cost or style.” With that in mind, it’s common knowledge that uncomfortable shoes like high heels and tight sneakers can be incredibly annoying, more so with age. We can only hope for more comfortable yet fashionable footwear!

Hair Growing in Unwanted Places

Photo Credit: STEKLO/Shutterstock

As an adult, you’re likely used to the growth of unwanted hair, but it seems to get more annoying as you get older, especially when new hair growth sprouts in areas like the ears. This means more grooming and maintenance, and possible feelings of indignity with these changes.


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Watching someone “over-parent” their children can be very frustrating. You may have overlooked it a few years ago, but for some reason, observing excessive parental control becomes annoying with age. This may be because you recall your more independent childhood or you believe in the importance of children’s autonomy.

People Who Don’t Vote

Photo Credit: Sergey Tinyakov/Shutterstock

Some people just don’t grasp the importance of voting, and this political apathy can be very annoying to watch. You may feel frustrated that people are ignoring the importance of participating in democracy and not exercising their voting rights.

Being Constantly Accessible

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Can we get a little peace and quiet?! As said by Screeble, “It is so easy to reach someone that we expect everyone to be reachable. And available. 24/7.” This era of constant digital communication can be overwhelming and extremely frustrating. As you get older, you may long for the times of less immediate availability.

How Fast Time Goes By

Photo Credit: Andrii Iemelianenko/Shutterstock

As a kid, you long for the years to speed up. As a young adult, you don’t realize how fast it’s all going. And as you get older, you may suddenly get annoyed at just how fast the years have gone by. It almost seems like time is speeding up!

Unreliable People

Photo Credit: Ekateryna Zubal/Shutterstock

Another thing that becomes increasingly frustrating as you get older that may not have seemed a big deal in the past is unreliable people. You may find yourself with a stronger intolerance for those who don’t follow through and limited patience for this type of person. With age, you begin to value reliability and accountability more.

Small Talk

Photo Credit: Shift Drive/Shutterstock

Why is it that small talk just becomes so incredibly annoying as you age? You’ve likely engaged in it many times yourself, but with time, people often start to feel uncomfortable with superficial conversations. Most people develop a preference for deeper, more meaningful interactions.

Gossip and Drama

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People engage in gossip and create drama for many reasons. According to VeryWell Family, this could be for attention, to feel better about themselves, to relieve boredom, or even to gain power. Whatever the cause, gossip and drama tend to annoy older adults, who develop a distaste for pettiness and negativity. As you age, you realize the value of peace.

People Who Talk Too Much

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We’ve already discussed how age can cause you to become more impatient, so it’s no wonder that people who talk too much grate on our nerves. As you may have noticed, overly talkative individuals are just unpleasant to be around. You’ve likely come to prefer concise and meaningful conversations.

Lack of “Me Time”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

As we get older, the value of “me time” becomes crystal clear. Balancing life’s demands often leads to neglecting personal space, which further results in stress and irritability. Whether it’s quiet alone time or a relaxing outing with friends, these moments are essential to re-center and destress.

Inefficiency in Services and Processes

Photo Credit: Tyler Olson/Shutterstock

It may not have annoyed you when you were younger, but you may find yourself growing frustrated with slow or inefficient services. This includes cumbersome bureaucratic processes or paperwork. With age, we tend to prefer quick, straightforward solutions and detest time-wasting activities​.


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Global Citizen says that going to concerts may help you live longer, but that doesn’t mean they’re not frustrating events. While once enjoyable, concerts can become uncomfortable with their loud music and crowded spaces. The high ticket prices and parking fees can also be annoying. 

Leaving the House

Photo Credit: NakoPhotography/Shutterstock

Do you find yourself with an increased reluctance to leave the comfort of your home? Do you now tend to avoid the unpredictability of interactions outside? This is another little thing that suddenly annoys people as they get older. They develop a preference for the peace and predictability of staying in​.

People Lying for Attention

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Now, this is something you’ve probably never been too fond of, but you may find yourself with a growing intolerance for insincerity and attention-seeking behaviors as you age. Many people get increasingly frustrated with dishonesty in social interactions, valuing authenticity and straightforwardness more with age.

Loud Noises

Photo Credit: Srdjan Randjelovic/Shutterstock

Growing older often brings a heightened sensitivity to loud noises. From roaring car engines to the bangs of fireworks, loud sounds can become increasingly jarring. Many people seek quieter environments, valuing peace and tranquility more than in their younger years.

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