18 Things Boomers Grew Up Doing That Would Be Unthinkable Now

By Rick Ellsworth

Times have changed dramatically over the past few decades, and many of the things that were once considered normal for the baby boomer generation would be completely unthinkable today.

Here are the experiences that Boomers grew up doing that simply wouldn’t fly in 2025.

Riding in Cars Without Seatbelts

Photo Credit: Josu Ozkaritz/Shutterstock

Back in the day, wearing a seatbelt was more of a suggestion than a requirement. Kids would pile into cars without buckling up, sometimes even riding in the back of pickup trucks without a second thought. Laws and safety awareness have changed dramatically since then, and not wearing a seatbelt is both illegal and widely recognized today as incredibly dangerous.

Drinking from the Hose

Photo Credit: Olesia Tamilovych/Shutterstock

Before bottled water became the norm, kids would simply turn on the backyard hose and take a long drink whenever they were thirsty. No one worried about bacteria, lead pipes, or chemical contamination.

Today, with concerns over water safety, microplastics, and better filtration systems available, drinking from a hose would seem unsanitary and risky.

Playing Outside Until Dark Without Supervision

Photo Credit: First Glimpse Photography/Shutterstock

Boomers spent their childhoods roaming their neighborhoods freely, playing with friends until the streetlights came on. Parents didn’t track them with cell phones or demand constant check-ins. These days, the idea of letting kids roam unsupervised for hours would raise eyebrows, with many parents feeling the need to keep a close watch due to safety concerns and societal changes.

Smoking in Restaurants, Airplanes, and Offices

Photo Credit: Krakenimages.com/Shutterstock

Once a socially accepted habit that took place just about anywhere, smoking took place in restaurants, airplanes, workplaces, and even hospitals. Ashtrays were common on office desks, and no one thought twice about lighting up indoors. As the dangers of secondhand smoke became widely known, laws were put in place to ban smoking in public spaces, making this once-normal behavior unthinkable today.

Letting Kids Ride in the Front Seat

Photo Credit: CGN089/Shutterstock

For the post-war generation, it wasn’t uncommon for kids to ride up front without booster seats or airbags. Some even stood on the front bench seat next to their parents. Now, car seat laws and safety regulations require young children to be in the back seat in specially designed car seats until they are old enough to sit in the front.

Using a Phone Book to Look Up Numbers

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Before the internet, if you needed to find someone’s phone number, you had to flip through a massive phone book. These thick directories were delivered to every home, filled with pages of residential and business numbers. Today, with smartphones and online directories, printed phone books have become obsolete, and the idea of searching for a number in a book seems tedious and unnecessary.

Letting Kids Walk to School Alone

Photo Credit: 2Design/Shutterstock

Past generations often walked or biked to school without adult supervision, sometimes covering long distances. It was a normal part of growing up, and no one considered it dangerous. In the modern world, due to increased traffic, safety concerns, and changing societal norms, parents feel uncomfortable letting their children walk to school alone, often driving them instead.


Photo Credit: Veselin Borishev/Shutterstock

This was once a common way to get around, with travelers sticking out their thumbs on the side of the road hoping for a ride. Hitchhiking was seen as adventurous and practical, but growing concerns over crime, safety, and stranger danger have made it a rare sight today. Most people would never consider picking up a stranger or accepting a ride from one.

Leaving Kids in the Car While Running Errands

Photo Credit: Petr Bonek/Shutterstock

In decades past, parents would routinely leave their kids in the car while they ran into the store, bank, or post office. There was little concern about child abduction or overheating.

Could you imagine leaving a child alone in a car today? Even for a few minutes? It’s not only frowned upon but also illegal in many places due to the safety risks.

Playing with Lawn Darts

Photo Credit: DrKing/Shutterstock

Once a popular backyard game, lawn darts were sharp metal-tipped projectiles that turned out to be incredibly dangerous. Kids often ended up with serious injuries, leading to the eventual ban of the original version of the game. Today, the thought of giving children such a hazardous toy would be unthinkable, and thankfully, safer alternatives have replaced this once-beloved pastime.

Watching Unfiltered TV Content

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

The older generation grew up with a very different television experience. There were no content warnings, parental controls, or filters. Kids often watched violent cartoons, edgy sitcoms, and even late-night programming without anyone worrying about whether it was appropriate.

Using Mercury Thermometers

Photo Credit: Anikin Dmitrii/Shutterstock

For decades, mercury thermometers were the go-to way of checking a fever. If they broke, mercury would spill, and people would casually clean up theis highly-toxic substance without realizing the dangers.

Today, mercury thermometers have been phased out in favor of digital and infrared versions. Handling mercury is considered highly hazardous.

Riding Bicycles Without Helmets

Photo Credit: spass/Shutterstock

Helmets were not a standard part of biking for the boomer generation. Kids would ride down the street, perform tricks, and even race without any head protection. These days, helmet laws are common in many places, and the risks of head injuries are widely known.

Going to the Airport Without Security Checks

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Air travel used to be much simpler. Travelers could walk straight to the gate without showing ID, remove shoes, or go through extensive security checks. Friends and family could see them off right at the terminal. After 9/11, airport security changed drastically, making the casual, stress-free airport experience of the past completely unthinkable today.

Playing on Metal Playgrounds with No Padding

Photo Credit: MakeStory Studio / Shutterstock

Older playgrounds were often made of metal structures with hard, unforgiving surfaces. Falls were common, and scorching metal slides in the summer were the norm. Today, playgrounds are built with safety in mind, featuring plastic equipment, padded ground surfaces, and enclosed structures to prevent injuries. Letting kids play on those old playgrounds would be shocking to modern parents.

Drinking and Driving Without a Second Thought

Photo Credit: Paul Biryukov/Shutterstock

There was a time when having a few drinks and then getting behind the wheel was not taken as seriously as it is today. Laws were laxer, and social attitudes were much more forgiving. Today, drinking and driving is heavily penalized, with strict DUI laws, checkpoints, and widespread awareness of the dangers, making it completely unacceptable.

Riding in the Back of a Station Wagon

Photo Credit: betto rodrigues/Shutterstock

Before SUVs and minivans with third-row seats, station wagons were the family vehicle of choice. Kids often rode in the back, completely unrestrained, sometimes even lying down on blankets or facing backward. Today, with strict seatbelt laws and crash safety awareness, letting kids roam freely in a moving car would be out of the question.

Buying Cigarettes for Your Parents

Photo Credit: Anna Nahabed/Shutterstock

It was once common for kids to walk to the store and buy cigarettes for their parents without anyone batting an eye. Clerks often sold them without question, assuming they were for an adult at home. Today, strict age restrictions, ID checks, and public health campaigns make this practice unthinkable. A child attempting to purchase cigarettes now would likely result in legal trouble for both the store and the parents.

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