There are some things that don’t annoy us much when we are younger but that become really frustrating when we get older. You’ll find 18 examples of them in this article.

When we’re younger, gossip can seem quite exciting and we want to know the latest about what’s happening. But as we get older, we realize how destructive gossip can be and are more keen to keep to ourselves. Gossip and those who participate in it seem irritating to us.
Loud Noise

As we get older, we become more and more sensitive to loud noises. This explains why the loud music at a party might not faze a younger person but will really irritate an older person. Our ability to acclimate to the volume of a sound diminishes as we age.
Quiet Talkers

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, hearing loss is “a common problem linked to aging. One in 3 adults over age 65 has hearing loss.” Because our ability to hear quiet sounds reduces as we get older, we might become frustrated easily with people who are soft-spoken.
Technology Advancements

Advancements in technology might have been very exciting for us when we were younger. This is because we were using a lot of the technology at work, and we were looking forward to what would come out next. But this excitement soon dwindles when we stop working and we can’t keep up with the speed with which technology changes.

An achy body when we were younger was not so much of a big deal, as it would heal quickly. But as we get older, we can become more frustrated by aches and pains because they are more intense, last longer, and are accompanied by a whole host of other health problems.

When we were younger, we might have loved being in crowds. Singing along with thousands of people at a concert might have given us a rush of happiness. But when we get older, we can become more stressed about being among crowds of people because we’re concerned about our security.
Holding Doors

When we were younger, it was common courtesy for someone to hold the door open for a stranger. But as the years have gone by, this kind gesture has become less and less common. Older people who see that this gesture has almost disappeared from society might feel annoyed at the upcoming generations.

“Muscle strength can decrease by as much as 50% from 25–80 years of age and impair the ability to move the body effectively and perform activities of daily living that require significant muscle force,” says Colorado State University. Doing chores is time-consuming when we’re young but physically exhausting when we get older.
Prescription Delays

Waiting for a prescription from your healthcare provider might be slightly annoying when you’re younger. But when we get older, prescription delays can become more serious as our general health deteriorates and treating medical issues becomes more urgent. We simply can’t wait around for prescriptions.
Doctor Appointments

Waiting in line at the doctor’s is always frustrating, but when we are younger, we seem to be able to tolerate this better. When we get older, we are worried about catching the bus on time or getting someone to pick us up, and the increased anxiety about the outcome of doctor appointments makes us feel more stressed.
Bright Lights

Driving toward someone who has their bright lights on is never pleasant, but this becomes more annoying as we get older. The Pacific Eye Institute explains why, stating that “During the very early stages of cataract development, many patients notice their eyes become increasingly sensitive to light, particularly harsh, bright light. “
Forgetting Names

Forgetting someone’s name when we are younger is embarrassing, but it’s normally overlooked because no one will think you have a memory problem. But forgetting someone’s name as an older person can be more embarrassing, as people might be quick to conclude that you’ve forgotten just because you’re old.
Losing Things

Forgetting where you’ve put something in your house is annoying when you’re young but you know it’ll turn up eventually. But losing something in the house when you’re older is more frustrating because your mobility is reduced and it becomes harder to move around and look for things.
Out of Place

When something looks out of place when we are young, we might not even notice it or simply ignore it because we have so many other things to think about. But when we get older and have a lot of time on our hands during retirement, we might become more sensitive to things that don’t look right.
Driving says that “as we age, factors such as decreased vision, impaired hearing, slower motor reflexes, and worsening health conditions can become a problem. Aging also tends to result in a reduction of strength, coordination, and flexibility, which can impact your ability to safely control a car.”

Most of the advertising we see is aimed at teenagers and those in their twenties. So when we are bombarded with advertising when we are younger, it’s not that annoying because we’re being shown something we might be interested in. But when we get older, we’re no longer interested in the things that are advertised and advertisements become aggravating.

Inflation is annoying for everyone and can make us feel a bit panicky when we are younger. However, inflation can be especially worrying when we get into old age, as we have a limited income and can’t go out and work to earn more money.
Phone Addiction

When we were younger, there was no such thing as a phone addiction. So conversing with others was easy, and there was nothing to distract a person from what you were saying. But older people find it very annoying when younger people spend longer looking at their phones than they do interacting with others.