It’s common for men to become more irritable as they get older. This can make life more difficult for them, as it can have a big impact on the quality of their relationships. Here are 18 reasons men become more irritable with age.
Hormonal Changes
BodyLogicMD reports that low testosterone and high estrogen levels can cause a man to feel stressed and irritable. As a man ages, his testosterone tends to weaken, which can cause him to have more mood swings and his energy levels to drop. This can make him lack motivation to do things and, in some cases, cause depression.
Physical Health Decline
The older we get, the more likely we are to have some form of decline in our physical health, and that’s the same for men as well. Health issues that pop up can be frustrating for men to deal with. These can be anything from chronic illnesses to obesity.
Cognitive Decline
The brain can begin to slow down the older you get, and this can leave men frustrated. It can be hard to accept that your brain isn’t as quick as it used to be. This can have an impact on everyday situations, from completing simple tasks to having conversations with others.
Loss of Purpose
Older men can become irritated by a lack of direction in their lives. Growing old can see them retire and struggle to find their next purpose. This lack of direction can be hard to deal with mentally. They can begin to feel that all they’re doing is existing instead of living.
Social Changes
According to ScienceDaily, older adults are more likely to live in smaller social circles as they prioritize those who matter the most. Men may not see friends as often as they did when they were younger. This can have a negative impact on a man’s mental well-being, which can cause him to become irritated.
Lifestyle Adjustments
Over time, our lifestyles change and these adjustments can take some time to get used to. For example, the older you get, the more difficult it may be to exercise. You may also have to adapt your diet for health reasons. Some can struggle with this and see their alcohol intake increase. All of these changes can be difficult for men to deal with.
Medications and Side Effects
Many men get to a certain age and have to start taking medication for one reason or another. People can get irritated by this because their bodies have never required medication before, and it can take some getting used to. Also, the side effects of some medications can affect a person’s mood, adding to the cause.
Environmental Stressors
A man’s environment can have a large impact on his mood. The older men get, the more they tend to prefer peace and quiet in their lives. Being in overcrowded areas can make them irritable. Sometimes they can struggle to avoid these situations, such as when they move to assisted living.
Relationship Dynamics
The quality of a man’s relationships can have a big impact on his mood. If men have a good, meaningful relationship, they tend to be happy. However, the older they get, the more these relationships can change. Constant arguing, going through a divorce, or even losing a loved one can have a severe impact on their mood and well-being.
Cultural and Generational Gaps
The change in society can have an impact on males becoming more irritable. Cultural and generational shifts can make it difficult to relate to others, and they can feel out of touch, especially with younger people. This can make it hard to communicate with younger generations, even those who are related.
Loss of Independence
Snyder Village reports, “Studies have shown that many older adults fear losing independence more than they fear death.” When we grow older, we often require support with certain things that we used to be able to do ourselves. This support is needed, but it often feels like our independence is being taken away from us.
Financial Stress
Growing older and thinking about finances can be stressful. Men can become irritated by worrying about their pensions and investments. They have to start thinking about putting money aside for any unexpected healthcare costs that may arise. All this planning for after-work life can have a big impact on their mental health.
Changes in Sexual Function
The older a man gets, the more likely it is that his sexual life will differ from his younger years. This can be hard for men to get their heads around and can impact their mood. They may have a lower libido or just fewer intimate times with their partner, and the lack of intimacy can affect them mentally.
Vision and Hearing Loss
A male’s senses aren’t likely to be as good as they were when he was young. This can mean that men may suffer a decline in hearing or sight. This often makes it harder for them to communicate with others, leading to their becoming more irritable.
Adjusting to Technological Advances
It can be tough for anyone to keep up with the constant changes in technology. It’s always advancing for our benefit, but for some men, this can be stressful. It may take them longer to learn about new skills or devices, which can make them fall behind compared to others.
Perception of Time
A worry many people can have as they get older is wondering how much time they have left. Thinking about this too much can be overwhelming and detrimental. Men can also question whether they’re spending their time wisely. This can lead them to overthink, which negatively impacts their mood.
Grief and Loss
HealthDirect states, “Grief often involves intense sadness, and sometimes feelings of shock and numbness, or even denial and anger.” The older anyone gets, the more likely they are to experience a loss in their life. This doesn’t make it easier to accept, and it can be really hard for some people.
It’s common for men to reflect on their lives as they get older. However, sometimes reflection can be detrimental to some. It can be seen that some men dwell on the past and wish they could have done things differently. Not being able to change the past can leave them feeling frustrated.