18 Boomer Myths It’s Time We All Moved Past

By Tyler Grayson

When it comes to different generations, we can be quick to judge and assume they all have the same beliefs. This is especially the case when it comes to younger generations judging boomers. Here are 18 boomer myths it’s time we all moved past.

Don’t Care About Younger Generations

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The myth that boomers don’t care about younger generations can be a hurtful one. Many boomers have younger children and grandchildren and they want what’s best for them. Often, when voting politically, boomers are thinking about the future of the younger generation and the world they’ll grow up in.

Boomers Are Not on Social Media

Photo Credit: Wachiwit/Shutterstock

Younger generations have grown up with social media in their lives. While this hasn’t been the case for boomers, they still enjoy using it. EMARKETER reports that over 53% of boomers in the U.S. will be using social media in 2024. Like other generations, it has become a daily use for boomers.

They Just Want to Retire

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People believe all boomers want to fully retire. Many boomers still want to enjoy a challenge. They have the motivation to continue to stay mentally sharp and relevant within society. Also, some have to continue to work as they’ve been unfortunate with their pensions, which aren’t as strong as they’d have wished.

Dislike Change

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

There is a strong argument that boomers are actually more perceptible to change than others. As Fortune reports, “more than 40% of America’s baby boomers stayed with their employer for more than 20 years.” This clearly shows that the main strength of boomers is their adaptability to work with change and growth, especially in a company.

Boomers Lead Inactive Lives

Photo Credit: Julia Zavalishina/Shutterstock

More and more boomers are living active lifestyles once they’ve retired and have more time on their hands. They’re the walking generation who love to get in the fresh air and exercise by walking on foot. They also focus on their diet to improve their overall health.

Don’t Care About Giving Back

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Due to their age, many believe they have already lived their best years, and boomers don’t care about giving back. Boomers are regularly involved in charity organizations and commit to improving the environment in various ways. They’re a generation that happily donates to causes that they believe in.

Boomers Take More Sick Days

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Due to people believing that more illnesses occur the older you get, it is often thought that boomers take more sick days. Boomers are actually more loyal to their employers and will often work when ill, as they don’t want to let anybody down. Due to their loyalty, they’re less likely to fake a sickness compared to other generations.

Set in Their Ways

Photo Credit: michaeljung/Shutterstock

Due to being on the planet for at least the last 60 years, many believe boomers are set in their ways, but this isn’t the case. Boomers tend to have more free time than other generations, and they’re always wanting to try new activities or visit a new place.


Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Boomers grew up in an era that lacked technology in comparison to the current day, and due to this, many believe they hate technology or just don’t use it. Boomers saw the growth of technology during their adulthood, witnessed the evolution of the computer, and began to use it in a professional and personal capacity.

Older Workers Are More Expensive

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As mentioned by Recruiter, many employers are actually finding it more cost-effective to hire boomers. They are often looking for part-time or temporary work at a lower hourly rate than a full-time position. Employers are also saving costs, as they don’t have to provide the benefits they would if they were a full-time employee.

Boomers Don’t Shop Online

Photo Credit: oneinchpunch/Shutterstock

Boomers actually see the many benefits of shopping online. They enjoy the fact that it can be done from the comfort of their own home at any hour of the day. Boomers have always been enticed by a discount, and the deals often available online are appealing to this generation.

Boomers Prefer Traditional Media

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Boomers grew up receiving yesterday’s news through a newspaper, by tuning into the radio, or by watching TV. Many believe that even with all the technology available today, this is still how boomers receive their news. It’s not the case; many are using online platforms to view the latest news at the moment.

Lack Creativeness

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

With the constant evolution of technology, many believe it is the younger generation that is the innovator of the world. Boomers have a depth of experience in life and have built resilience to change. They have used their creative minds to build some of the most important applications we use every day.

Boomers Are Wealthy

Photo Credit: Aleksandar Malivuk/Shutterstock

Many believe that due to the cost of living today compared to when boomers grew up, they’re wealthy. This isn’t the case for all boomers; just like any generation, they are still affected by today’s economy. Many are worried about their pensions and are working past retirement age in the hope of better financial security.

Boomers Are Not Environmentally Conscious

Photo Credit: Ground Picture/Shutterstock

Younger generations argue that, due to boomers not being here in the future, they don’t care about the environment. This is not the case, and New Scientist writes, “Just one in five Baby Boomers say there is no point in changing their behavior to tackle climate change, compared with a third of Generation Z.”

Boomers Had It Easy

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Each generation grows up in different circumstances, and when it comes to boomers, many often believe they had it easy. However, boomers had their fair share of obstacles that they had to overcome. They lived through the Cold War and experienced economic recessions.

Boomers Don’t Support Diversity and Inclusion

Photo Credit: Jacob Lund/Shutterstock

This myth is often talked about regarding the boomer generation, which isn’t true. The boomer generation is diverse, made up of different ethnicities, genders, cultures, and religions. They are aware of the importance of inclusion and have been active in supporting causes such as LGBTQ+.

Boomers Are Not Advocates for Mental Health

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Boomers grew up in an era where mental health wasn’t discussed. Due to this, many believe that boomers don’t truly believe in the importance of mental health. This isn’t the case and boomers are advocates for mental health. They see the importance of speaking to the correct people to get support when it’s needed.

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