17 Phrases That Annoy Responsible Gun Owners

By Tyler Grayson

Legal gun owners are sadly misunderstood by some Americans who can’t grasp the many valid reasons why one would want to arm themselves. If you’re not educated on the topic, then just remember to never say the following 17 things to a legal gun owner.

“Why Would Anyone Need a Gun?”

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

There are many good reasons why someone would want to own a gun. For example, they may need it for their personal protection hobbies, or as an important part of their work. This question is often asked in a rhetorical and disrespectful way which oversimplifies and undermines the complex issues around gun ownership.

“Guns Are Only for Violence”

Photo Credit: ViDI Studio/Shutterstock

Just because someone owns a gun doesn’t mean they’re out for blood. Gun owners are often just looking to defend themselves in the case of emergencies such as home invasions, while others use them for completely non-violent hobbies such as target shooting.

“You Must Be Paranoid to Want a Gun”

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A desire for self-protection should not be mistaken for an irrational and misplaced fear. With a staggering 847,522 burglaries occurring in America in 2022, it’s no wonder why gun owners are concerned about the safety of themselves and their families.

“Only the Police Should Have Guns”

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In an ideal world, no one would need guns for their protection. However, unfortunately, the police cannot always be on standby in every area to deal with emergencies as they happen. This is just one of many reasons why citizens feel the need to take their protection into their own hands.

“Aren’t You Afraid of Accidents Happening?”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Legal and responsible gun owners don’t take the responsibility that comes with their weapons lightly. They usually participate in extensive safety training to ensure they keep themselves and those around them safe from any danger.

“How Can You Justify Owning Something So Dangerous?”

Photo Credit: Dean-Drobot/Shutterstock

Asking a gun owner how they can justify owning something so dangerous implies that you think they are morally irresponsible regardless of their true reasons for wanting a gun. It also overlooks the fact that, in the wrong hands, even everyday items like kitchen knives can be deadly.

“Isn’t Having a Gun More Risky Than Protective?”

Photo Credit: Antonio GuillemShutterstock

This is another presumptuous question that comes across as a challenge to the gun owner’s judgment without understanding their level of knowledge or experience. It also overlooks the many stories of people successfully protecting themselves against invaders and attackers using their personal firearms.

“Do You Trust the Government That Little?”

Photo Credit: loreanto/Shutterstock

Owning a gun does not always mean distrusting the government. People can own guns for a wide variety of reasons that have nothing to do with the government, such as recreational purposes or work-related reasons.

“You Don’t Look Like a Gun Owner”

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This comment is based on the misguided idea that gun owners should look a certain way or have a certain type of personality. Many different types of people own guns for various reasons, so it is insensitive and ignorant to assume whether someone is a gun owner purely based on their appearance.

“Aren’t Guns Just Compensating for Something?”

Photo Credit: Antonio Guillem/Shutterstock

Asking someone if they are compensating for something by owning a gun is an insulting and ignorant thing to say. It goes without saying that most gun owners have real and valid reasons for wanting firearms that have nothing to do with insecurities or other personal issues.

“Guns Cause More Problems Than They Solve”

Photo Credit: Shift Drive/Shutterstock

It’s true that guns can be dangerous weapons in the wrong hands. However, this comment overlooks the nuanced issues surrounding firearms and the valid reasons people have for using them. Responsible gun owners are often part of the solution rather than adding to the problem. This is why the Department of Justice says gun ownership is an effective form of self-defense.

“I Bet You’re a Fan of Violent Movies and Video Games, Huh?”

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There is an ignorant stereotype that gun owners choose to invest in firearms simply because they like the idea of violence and shooting people. This leads some people to think they must also be fans of other violent forms of entertainment, such as video games and movies. In actuality, gun owners come from all kinds of backgrounds and have all sorts of hobbies. What’s more, Fortune claims that research has found no correlation between gaming and gun violence.

“How Do You Feel About All the Gun Violence in the News?”

Photo Credit: WeAre/Shutterstock

Whether you intend it to or not, this question can easily come across as a passive-aggressive accusation toward gun owners. It puts them in an unfair position where they need to defend themselves and their desire to protect themselves or engage in their hobbies.

“That’s a Disaster Waiting to Happen”

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

Simply having a gun in one’s possession doesn’t foretell future disasters. Telling a gun owner this implies that you think they’re reckless, careless, and not committed to safety. On the contrary, many gun owners undertake extensive training and safety measures to keep them and those around them safe.

“Why Do You Feel the Need to Play Soldier?”

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

It is a false and ignorant assumption that all gun owners own firearms simply because of an immature wish to “play soldier.” Many of these individuals take their guns and the responsibility that comes with them very seriously, especially when it comes to self-protection.

“Isn’t That Just a Macho Thing?”

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

Gun ownership certainly isn’t just a “macho thing.” People of all races, genders, and sexualities own guns, including those in the LGBTQ+ community. This stereotype is often founded on the harmful belief that men want to own guns simply to emphasize their manliness.

“All You Gun Owners Are the Same”

Photo Credit: wavebreakmedia/Shutterstock

As you’ve hopefully gathered by now, not all gun owners are the same. They are their own individuals with varying beliefs, backgrounds, hobbies, and practices. It is important to respect each gun owner for who they are and for their unique set of reasons for owning firearms.

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