17 Everyday Items You Should Stop Carrying in Your Wallet

By Tyler Grayson

It’s easy to pack your wallet full of small items in case they come in handy, but this could actually cause you some serious trouble. Check out the following 17 things you should never carry in your wallet, and you’ll see what we mean!

Social Security Number

Photo Credit: zimmytws/Shutterstock

Fraudsters can use your social security number to open a credit card, take out a loan, or even claim thousands of dollars in tax refunds! For this reason, keeping your social security number in your wallet is never safe if you’re out and about.

Unnecessary Credit Cards

Photo Credit: Suradech Prapairat/Shutterstock

Carrying around too many credit cards is not only an issue if your wallet gets stolen but also if you are an impulse buyer. If you have trouble stopping yourself from buying things the moment you see them, leaving your cards at home will prevent this from happening.

Passport Card

Photo Credit: Evgenia Parajanian/Shutterstock

While your passport card may slot perfectly into your wallet, it doesn’t need to be in there unless you’re traveling internationally. If it’s stolen, it can be used for a whole host of fraudulent activities, including having your personal information leaked on the dark web, as CNBC warns.

Gift Cards

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

If you’ve been given a gift card, it’s wise to only take it out with you when you plan to use it. Most gift cards allow you to scan the card’s contents into a digital wallet, which eliminates any chance of losing the money if your physical wallet were to go missing.


Photo Credit: Eviart/Shutterstock

It’s probably not the wisest idea to write down all your important passwords on one piece of paper, let alone store them in your wallet! If you lose your wallet, you risk having your entire digital identity compromised, so it’s best to stick to memorizing your passwords or using a password management tool.

More Cash Than You Need

Photo Credit: Nitiphonphat/Shutterstock

It may seem strange to have a wallet without any cash in it, but as contactless card transactions become the norm, the need for cash is dying out. While it’s perfectly fine to carry cash around with you, having more than you think you need, just in case, is no longer necessary.

A Spare Key

Photo Credit: nednapa/Shutterstock

Carrying a spare key in your wallet will add insult to injury if you were to have it stolen; not only will you be a wallet down, but you’ll have to get the locks changed on your house! Worse still, your ID card will easily give them away your address!


Photo Credit: Nasi_lemak/Shutterstock

Receipts may seem harmless to keep in your wallet, but they often contain sensitive personal information. They can also clog up your wallet, making finding the things you need frustrating. ABC News recommends that you take receipts out of your wallet every night, and then you can digitize them to keep them safe.

Membership Cards

Photo Credit: Daniel Krason/Shutterstock

Having a membership card stolen won’t necessarily affect your bank account, but nobody wants to picture the thief who’s just stolen their wallet enjoying a cocktail in their favorite members-only bar. It’s also yet another card you’ll have to replace, so only bring it along when you need it.

Work ID

Photo Credit: FlyPic/Shutterstock

Never put your workplace at unnecessary risk by carrying around your work identification in your personal wallet! Many work IDs grant access to workplace buildings, which, if compromised, could result in huge issues for the business. If this is traced back to you, you’ll end up losing both your wallet and your job.


Photo Credit: Purple Anvil/Shutterstock

While it’s safe to have a condom handy, it’s unwise to store it in a wallet. The reason for this is surprising; the friction of your wallet could wear out the condom. This makes them vulnerable to breaking during use, as explained by the National Institute of Medicine. That’s not worth the risk!

Birth Certificate

Photo Credit: Lane V. Erickson/Shutterstock

Birth certificates don’t come with photos attached, making them perfect documents for fraudsters to use when committing employment identity or job theft. It’s recommended that you keep your birth certificate locked in a safe at home at all times; that way, no one could ever commit such crimes.

Blank Checks

Photo Credit: Andrey_Popov/Shutterstock

In the age of digital banking, carrying a blank, signed check around with you is neither wise nor necessary. You’ll undoubtedly end up a victim of a monumental transaction if anyone finds it, so just leave your checkbook at home in a secure location.

Family Photos

Photo Credit: PeopleImages.com – Yuri A/Shutterstock

Keeping a picture of a beloved family member in your wallet has been a common tradition for many. However, storing these photos on your phone is easy now, so risking losing a sentimental photo is no longer worth it. Save a copy on your phone and keep the photo safe at home.

Medicare Card

Photo Credit: Rix Pix Photography/Shutterstock

Carrying around your Medicare card when you’re not heading to a scheduled medical appointment puts you at great risk of, you guessed it, identity theft. As the Wall Street Journal rightly states, the account number on Medicare cards is the holder’s social security number, which should never be shared with strangers!

Mobile Phone

Photo Credit: Photomans/Shutterstock

Opting for a large wallet to store your phone is setting yourself up to become a thief’s dream. Always keep the two things separate, as you’ll need your phone to cancel your bank cards or your bank cards to replace your phone. Don’t store your cards in your phone case either!

USB Sticks

Photo Credit: A. Strode/Shutterstock

Finally, carrying USB sticks in your wallet is a terrible idea. Even if you are heading to the destination where you are going to use them, it’s still best to store them separately. The memory on a USB stick is sensitive, so if you sit on it when your wallet’s in your back pocket, you could crush your data!

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