16 Ways School in the ’60s Was Tougher and Simpler Than Now

By Jake Harris

In the 1960s, schools were stricter, expectations were higher, and life seemed a lot simpler. Kids didn’t have access to the technology or conveniences of today, but they made do with what they had. Let’s take a look at some of the ways school back then was tougher…yet simpler.

No Calculators – Only Mental Math

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Math students in the ‘60s relied on their brains, not calculators. They were expected to memorize multiplication tables, solve long division by hand, and carry out complex problems without electronic help. Mistakes were part of the process, and there was no “undo” button to save you. It sharpened mental skills in a way that’s rare today.

Strict Dress Codes

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Boys wore collared shirts, slacks, and often ties, while girls were required to wear dresses or skirts. Hemlines were checked for modesty, and jeans were out of the question for most schools. These rules were rigid, but they created a sense of uniformity that some argue helped students focus on their studies.

Corporal Punishment

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Misbehavior in the ‘60s often meant a trip to the principal’s office for physical punishment. Paddles and rulers were common tools for enforcing the rules, and teachers had more authority to dole out consequences, usually supported by parents. It was harsh, but it kept most kids in line.

No Participation Trophies

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Winning was celebrated, but losing was seen as a chance to learn and improve. Awards were reserved for those who truly excelled. Sports teams didn’t hand out trophies just for showing up, and class rankings were displayed openly.

This tough-love approach built resilience and taught kids that hard work didn’t always guarantee recognition.

Chalkboards and Chalk Dust Everywhere

Photo Credit: Stokkete/Shutterstock

Classrooms of the ‘60s were dominated by chalkboards and teachers wrote out every lesson in chalk, leaving their hands covered in dust by the end of the day. Erasing the board was a constant task, and the sound of chalk screeching was a daily occurrence. They were replaced by whiteboards and smartboards, which weren’t so messy.

Walking or Biking to School

Photo Credit: 2Design/Shutterstock

Most kids walked or rode their bikes, even if it meant braving bad weather or long distances. Buses weren’t as common, and car rides to school were rare luxuries. Walking wasn’t always convenient, but it encouraged independence and gave kids time to talk with friends before the school day started.

Tough Grading Standards

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If you got an A grade in the ‘60s you deserved it. Teachers didn’t inflate grades or give credit for effort alone. Students had to work hard to earn high marks, and red ink on papers was a common sight, with no participation grades to soften the blow. Such a high standard pushed kids to strive for excellence.

Handwritten Assignments Only

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Neat handwriting was a requirement because every assignment, essay, or report had to be written by hand in the ‘60s. Typewriters were sometimes used for special projects, but they weren’t the norm. Erasing mistakes often meant starting over. While tedious, it taught students patience and the importance of presenting their work well.

Memorization Was Key

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Success at school in the ‘60s was helped if you had a good retentive memory. Students were expected to know the material by heart, including multiplication tables, historical dates, and passages from literature. There were no study apps or online quizzes, just flashcards, repetition, and lots of practice.

No Excuses for Forgetting Homework

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Homework was taken very seriously and forgetting an assignment meant facing consequences. Excuses like “I left it at home” didn’t wash. Teachers expected students to take responsibility for their work, and parents backed them up.

This strict approach taught accountability, even if it sometimes felt unfair.

Gym Class Was Non-Negotiable

Photo Credit: milatas/Shutterstock

Gym today is usually fun, but PE in the ‘60s was often grueling, because it was all about fitness. Students were expected to run laps, climb ropes, and participate in organized sports, whether they liked it or not. There was no skipping gym because you didn’t feel like it, but it kept kids active.

Packed Lunches or School Cafeteria Food Only

Photo Credit: Robert Kneschke/Shutterstock

There was no room for picky eaters in ‘60s schools.  Forget fast-food deliveries or special diets, you either brought a packed lunch from home – usually a sandwich, fruit, and a treat – or ate whatever the school cafeteria was serving. Options were limited, but no one complained because that was just how things were.

Library Research Only—No Internet

Photo Credit: fizkes/Shutterstock

It may come as a shock to kids today, but there was life before Google. When it came to research, ‘60s students had to rely on the school library. Encyclopedias, reference books, and card catalogs were the only tools available. It sometimes took hours, but it taught kids how to dig deep and find answers on their own.

Strict Classroom Rules

Photo Credit: BearFotos/Shutterstock

Teachers maintained strict control over the classroom, and there was little room for distractions. Talking in class or passing notes wasn’t just frowned upon, it was punishable. Students raised their hands to speak, stayed in their seats, and followed instructions without question.

No Phones—Only Pay Phones

Photo credit: 2p2play/Shutterstock

If you needed to make a call during the school day in the ‘60s, you had to use a pay phone, and that required a dime. Phones were off-limits during class, and there was no texting or social media to distract students. While it seems unthinkable now, it made life simpler and kept kids focused on their studies.

Recess Was Simple and Unsupervised

Photo Credit: Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock

Recess in the ‘60s was very different to today. There were no structured games or fancy equipment, just games like tag, kickball, or climbing jungle gyms, without much supervision. Teachers trusted students to look out for themselves, and scrapes and bruises were part of the deal. It was freer and tougher, but it gave kids a sense of independence.

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